Janakinath Bose hailed from a humble background, but had risen to become one of the most renowned lawyers of Cuttack,by sheer perseverance,but never forgot his roots and difficult times he experienced during childhood.

While distributing clothes recently to less privileged children in Kolkata, I remembered what my father Amiya had once told me. Some less privileged people had entered our 1 Woodburn Park house in Kolkata, asking for alms. My father asked them to leave, my great grandfather Janakinath Bose saw this and scolded my father and stated-‘Ami you don’t know what hunger is , I know, never in future you should behave in this manner with people who are poor! My father after that day was always careful & considerate towards people who are less privileged! The greatness of this man resonates till today.
It is very unfortunate that India, even after 75 years of independence could not eradicate poverty! Let us pledge as a nation as we go through the 21 Century and remembering stalwarts like Janakinath Bose, who hailed from a humble background , but had risen to become one of the most renowned lawyers of Cuttack, by sheer perseverance,but never forgot his roots and difficult times he experienced during childhood.

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